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Voice Recognition
Four dogs pictured - they are the Lake Elementary Therapy Dog Team
Shovels and construction equipment
Sign reading Welcome Back Flyers! Plant seeds of kindness and watch it grow!
Construction image
Posed Groundbreaking picture
Groundbreaking picture
Lake teachers wear teal to support ovarian cancer.
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Lake Elementary

Message from the Principal

Welcome Flyer Families to the 2024-2025 school year where we celebrate the building theme, "Welcome To Our New Pad". We are incredibly excited to move into a new learning space that will provide learning to students in grades PK-5! The new elementary brings 3 playground spaces, a gymnasium, a cafenasium, classrooms for each specials course (art, music, band, STEM, library), a sensory room, restrooms in all preschool and kindergarten classrooms, a full-service kitchen, multiple small group learning spaces, and temperature controlled classrooms. 

At Lake Elementary School, staff create a learning environment that embraces each child's academic ability, preferred learning styles, and interests. We strive to prepare each First Class Flyer to be respectful, responsible, and ready with our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework. 

Your participation in your child's educational journey is valued and appreciated. A strong connection between home and school can positively support your child's success and enthusiasm at school. We welcome families to show school support by volunteering in your child's classroom, joining our PTO, who sponsors various free family events throughout the school year, consider being a mentor through our MVP (Making Valuable Partnerships) program, and staying in communication with your child's teacher. 

I look forward to serving you and your child on their educational journey.

In partnership,

Ms. Mandy Wilburn
Lake Elementary Principal


Fall Pictures - PK-5

Tue Sep 17 2024

LE PTO Meeting

Wed Sep 18 2024